Saturday, July 30, 2011

Download Android SDK 1.5

Download Android SDK 1.5

Implement AndroidManifest.xml

An Android application is described the file "AndroidManifest.xml". This file must declare all activities, services, broadcast receivers and content provider of the application. It must also contain the required permissions for the application. For example if the application requires network access it must be specified here. "AndroidManifest.xml" can be thought as the deployment descriptor for an Android application.

The "package" attribute defines the base package for the following Java elements. It also must be unique as the Android Marketplace only allows application for a specfic package once. Therefore a good habit is to use your reverse domain name as a package to avoid collisions with other developers.

"android:versionName" and "android:versionCode" specify the version of your application. "versionName" is what the user sees and can be any string. "versionCode" must be an integer and the Android Market uses this to determine if you provided a newer version to trigger the update on devices which have your application installed. You typically start with "1" and increase this value by one if you roll-out a new version of your application.

"activity" defines an activity in this example pointing to the class "". For this class an intent filter is registered which defines that this activity is started once the application starts (action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"). The category definition (category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" ) defines that this application is added to the application directory on the Android device. The @ values refer to resource files which contain the actual values. This makes it easy to provide different resources, e.g. strings, colors, icons, for different devices and makes it easy to translate applications.

The "uses-sdk" part of the "AndroidManifest.xml" defines the minimal SDK version your application is valid for. This will prevent your application being installed on devices with older SDK versions.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Main component of android application

�� Activities: The building block of the user interface is the activity. You

can think of an activity as being the Android analogue for the window

or dialog box in a desktop application. While it is possible for activities

to not have a user interface, most likely your “headless” code will be

packaged in the form of content providers or services.

�� Content providers: Content providers provide a level of abstraction for

any data stored on the device that is accessible by multiple

applications. The Android development model encourages you to

make your own data available to other applications, as well as your

own. Building a content provider lets you do that, while maintaining

complete control over how your data is accessed.

�� Services: Activities and content providers are short-lived and can be

shut down at any time. Services, on the other hand, are designed to

keep running, if needed, independent of any activity. You might use a

service for checking for updates to an RSS feed or to play back music

even if the controlling activity is no longer operating.

�� Intents: Intents are system messages, running around the inside of the

device, notifying applications of various events, from hardware state

changes (e.g., an SD card was inserted), to incoming data (e.g., an

SMS message arrived), to application events (e.g., your activity was

launched from the device’s main menu). Not only can you respond to

intents, but you can create your own to launch other activities or to let

you know when specific situations arise (e.g., raise such-and-so intent

when the user gets within 100 meters of this-and-such location).


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Search engine optimization is a method of getting your website to rank higher in search engines—such as Google, Yahoo or Bing. A search engine optimization campaign pairs on-site optimization with off-site tactics, which means you make changes to your site itself while building a portfolio of natural looking back links to increase your organic rankings. When Internet users search for your products or services, your website needs to be the first one they find. SEO helps the search engines recognize your relevance to specific keywords that people search for online. The search engine optimization process includes researching keywords, creating content, building links and making sure your website is visible in the search engines.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Configuring Your Development Environment

To write Android applications, you must configure your programming environment for
Java development.The software is available online for download at no cost.Android applications
can be developed on Windows, Macintosh, or Linux systems.

To develop Android applications, you need to have the following software installed on
your computer:

1) The Java Development Kit (JDK) Version 5 or 6, available for download at
2)A compatible Java IDE such as Eclipse along with its JDT plug-in, available for download at
3) The Android SDK, tools and documentation, available for download at
4) The Android Development Tools (ADT) plug-in for Eclipse, available for download through the Eclipse software update mechanism. For instructions on how to install this plug-in, see this tool is optional for development,we highly recommend it and will use
its features frequently throughout this book.

Android Platform Differences

Android is hailed as “the first complete, open, and free mobile platform”:

1) Complete: The designers took a comprehensive approach when they developed the

Android platform.They began with a secure operating system and built a robust software

framework on top that allows for rich application development opportunities.

2) Open: The Android platform is provided through open source licensing. Developers

have unprecedented access to the handset features when developing applications.

3) Free: Android applications are free to develop.There are no licensing or royalty fees

to develop on the platform. No required membership fees. No required testing fees.

No required signing or certification fees.Android applications can be distributed

and commercialized in a variety of ways.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

jquery example

English Tutorials jQuery Plugin Authoring Learn how to develop a jQuery plugin. jQuery Beginner Tutorial in 18 minutes Learn to build jQuery plugins from scratch - an 18 minute tutorial. [edit] General Tutorials These tutorials cover the fundamentals of the jQuery library - covering a diverse number of topics.

How jQuery Works by John Resig. A basic introduction to jQuery and the concepts that you need to know to use it. Tags: jQuery Core, Selectors, CSS, Traversing, Manipulation, Events, Effects Getting Started with jQuery by Jörn Zaefferer Goes through the basics of jQuery, all the way up to building plugins.

Tags: jQuery Core, Selectors, Attributes, Traversing, Manipulation, Events, Effects, Ajax, Plugins jQuery For Designers by Mark Panay Examples of writing Unobtrusive JavaScript to add simple behavior to a web page.

Tags: Selectors, Manipulation, Effects, Events Live Examples of jQuery by Cody Lindley An interactive demonstration of the basics behind jQuery.

Tags: Selectors, Attributes, Traversing, Effects, Manipulation [edit] Interface Introduction to jQuery Animation by Abel Mohler 51+ Best of jQuery Tutorials and Examples by Sydney Monis jQuery Tutorials for Designers by Sydney Monis Highlight words in an html page by Reuven jQuery Tabs Build simple jQuery Tabs controls (Beginner's Tutorials) by Greg Sidelnikov Create a Roll Over Star Comment Rating with JQuery by Eli Geske

Form validation with jQuery from scratch by Daniel Create an Accessible Slideshow Using jQuery by Jacob Gube Create a Vertical Scrolling Menu with Tooltips by Andrew Valums Create a Horizontal Scrolling Menu with CSS and jQuery by Andrew Valums Slide and Hide Section with jQuery by WebAir The Dollar Sign What is the Significance of the Dollar Sign ($)?

Smooth and Stunning Popup from scratch by Adrian Mato ( Create a smooth tabbed menu in jQuery by Adrian Mato (yensdesign) How to Validate Forms in both sides using PHP and jQuery by Adrian Mato ( Improving search boxes with jQuery by Adrian Mato (yensdesign)

Submit a Form Without Refresh Using jQuery by NETTUTS Create a tabbed content area by Queness Simple jQuery Modal Window Tutorial by Queness AJAX Interface using JQuery/PHP by Vision Master Designs Building modal panels with jQuery by Daniel Jquery Image Loader add loading animation before image completely loaded by Bali Web Design State-Saving jQuery Accordion Menu Without Reloading the Page by Michael Jacob Davis

Creating a very basic Image Gallery in JQuery by Jack Franklin Disjointed rollovers in jQuery by Justin Farmer Image Enlargement with .animate() by Justin Farmer jQuery Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) by Michael Jacob Davis Ajaxify your web pages using jQuery by Bali Web Design PHP jQuery Ajax Login by Bali Web Design SEO friendly ajax by Bali Web Design Building a Lightbox by dryan Simple JQuery

Image Slide Show with Semi-Transparent Caption by Queness jQuery Image Gallery/News Slider with Caption Tutorial by Queness Create an Attractive jQuery Menu with Fadein and Fadeout Effect by Queness Create a Vertical, Horizontal and Diagonal Sliding Content Website with jQuery by Queness Simple Lava Lamp Menu Tutorial with jQuery by Queness jQuery

Moving Tab and Sliding Content Tutorial by Queness Create a Stunning Sliding Door Effect with jQuery by Queness jQuery Thumbnail with Zooming Image and Fading Caption Tutorial by Queness Making a jQuery pagination system by web.enavu Making a jQuery infinite carousel with nice features by web.enavu How to make a completely reusable jquery modal window by web.enavu

Make a custom tab interface with JQuery by web.enavu Cool navigation menu made with JQuery by web.enavu Sliding door effect with JQuery by web.enavu Image splitting effect with CSS and JQuery by web.enavu Create an amazing contact form with jQuery. by web.enavu

Making image captions using jQuery by web.enavu Client side filtering data with jQuery by web.enavu Create a Thumbnail with Fading Caption Using jQuery by Queness Create a Simple Infinite Carousel with jQuery by Queness jQuery Drop Down Menu for RSS Subscription

Tutorial by Queness 7 Amazing Presentation Slides to Teach you How to Code with jQuery by web.enavu Making a Cool Spotlight Effect with jQuery by web.enavu jQuery Photo Slide Show with Slick Caption Tutorial Revisited by Queness [edit] Misc Beginner's Plugin Tutorial Build jQuery Plugins from scratch (Beginner's tutorials). Run my JQuery script only if a certain element exists! by Eli Geske How to switch to an Alternate Stylesheet using jQuery by Web Dev Codex Roundup of jQuery Menus by Query7 Staff 5 Tips for Better jQuery Code by Marc Grabanski Creating AJAX websites based on anchor navigation using jQuery by Ivan Guardado Castro &

Adrian Mato (yensdesign) Easy XML Consumption Using JQuery by Joseph Ucuzoglu Creating a very basic Image Gallery in JQuery by Jack Franklin jQuery Thickbox and ColdFusion Dynamic Image Resizing by Raymond Camden An introduction to jQuery and Form Validation by Raymond Camden Useful and Handy jQuery Tips and Tricks by Queness JQuery/PHP: Simple Random Text Generation Box [edit] Using jQuery with...

ASP.NET UserControl and jQuery by Hossein Rahmani Using AjaxPro by Michael Schwarz An example on how to use jQuery and Ajax.NET Professional together. Tags: Ajax Using Ext With jQuery by Juha Suni Getting started with the Ext library and jQuery.

Tags: Ajax, Plugins, Ext Simple Web 2.0 with Lasso and jQuery jQuery snippets An introduction to using JQuery with Lasso Using jQuery with Adobe AIR Quickstart Guide to ColdFusion+jQuery - Easy example on using jQuery with ColdFusion components (.cfc).] My First ExtJS DataGrid (Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5) JQuery Ajax + Rails jQuery + jqGrid + Rails = Powerful Grid Component in your Rails app! CakePHP Ajax "Quick Save" with jQuery by Marc Grabanski: Using jQuery and CakePHP together to perform an Ajax form save.

jQuery and Google Maps Tutorials by Marc Grabanski: jQuery &
Google Maps #1 Basics - Getting started using jQuery inside the Google Maps API.
jQuery & Google Maps #2 Ajax - Saving and Retrieving Points with Ajax.

Using jQuery with Joomla 1.5 and PHP 5 Using jQuery to Enhance the Appearance and Usability of a Structured Document with the NetBeans IDE by Lloyd Dunn Drupal 6.x Creating a lavaLamp menu * - Tutorials Integrating SharePoint 2007 and jQuery (Part 2, SmartTools.

jQuery on CodePlex) by Jan Tielens [edit] Sources for tutorials These are sites that are dedicated to regularly providing a number of jQuery tutorials. jQuery Tutorials Tutorials for Beginners TutorialsPoint - jQuery Tutorials Learning jQuery maintained by jQuery Project Team member Karl Swedberg jQuery for Designers (incl. screencasts) maintained by jQuery Project Team member Remy Sharp - jQuery &

Web Tutorials 15 Days of jQuery Detached Designs - jQuery Blog absolute beginner's blog jQuery HowTo, Tutorials & Plugins jQuery UI Tutorials - jQuery & web tutorials - jQuery Tutorials & Plugin Reviews Queness - jQuery tutorials TutsValley - jQuery Tutorials [edit]

jQuery API Tutorials These tutorials directly look at different concepts presented in the jQuery API and discuss them in-depth. [edit] jQuery Core Introducing $(document).ready() by Karl Swedberg An introduction to the $(document).ready() function and explaining how important it is.

Tags: jQuery Core Multiple $(document).ready() by Karl Swedberg Some advanced tips for working with $(document).ready().

Tags: jQuery Core Quicker Than window.onload() [edit] Traversing and Selectors How to Get Anything You Want by Karl Swedberg An introduction to jQuery selectors and traversal methods, and their use in navigating the DOM

Tags: Selectors, Attributes, Traversing Zebra Striping Made Easy by Jack Born Walking through the simple code needed to stripe table rows.

Tags: Traversing, Selectors, CSS, Events Auto-Selecting Navigation by Remy Sharp Highlighting the current page in a navigation menu.

Tags: Selectors, Attributes, Traversing 5 Quick jQuery Tips by Rowan Lewis Some quick, short, examples of what you can do with jQuery.

Tags: Selectors, Attributes, Traversing, Manipulation, CSS Stylesheet Switcheroo Getting Select List Values by Marc Grabanski Using jQuery selectors to get the current value or option from a select list. [edit] Manipulation, Attributes, and CSS Wrapping Images With A Drop Shadow by Jack Born A simple example of using .wrap() to add a drop shadow to an image.

Tags: Manipulation Rounded Corners by Jack Born Adding rounded corners to an element, using no extra markup. Tags: Manipulation Multiple File Upload Magic by Jack Born Building an unobtrusive multiple file upload input.

Tags: Selectors, Attributes, Manipulation, Events, Forms Getting Around The Minimum Height Glitch by Yansky Just a quick tutorial for getting around the min-height glitch

Tags: Selectors, CSS PNG Opacity Fix for IE6 by Timo Besenreuther How to make transparent PNGs possible in Internet Explorer 6 Fancy Drop Cap (Part 2) Multiple Fancy Drop Caps Semi-transparent Rollovers Fancy quote marks while preserving presentation Turn Nested Lists Into a Collapsible Tree With jQuery Easy Multi Select Transfer with jQuery [edit] Events Mouse Position by Patrick Hall Some quick examples of finding the position of the mouse on a page.

Tags: Events, Attributes Accordion Menu (Screencast) by John Resig Building a simple, unobtrusive, Accordion-style menu using basic events and animations.

Tags: jQuery Core, Selectors, Attributes, Events, Effects, Screencasts AJAX and Events by Karl Swedberg and Jonathan Chaffer Discusses binding event handlers to DOM elements at the appropriate times.

Tags: Ajax, Events, Manipulation Really Simple Live Comment Preview by Karl Swedberg Adding a live preview to the comment entry area of Wordpress.

Tags: Events, Attributes, Forms Creating an OS Web Interface in jQuery by Adrian Mato ( Smooth and Stunning Popup from scratch by Adrian Mato ( Create an amazing music player using mouse gestures & hotkeys in jQuery by Adrian Mato &

Ivan Guardado Castro ( Collapsible Layouts -

Use jQuery to create smart collapsible page layouts. Working with Events - Event Delegation Working with Events - Event Re-binding Easy Image Rollovers with CSS class Animated Menus Blurring Links Affiliate Link Loveliness Pop Up Menu Set a Hover Class for Anything Characters Remaining on an Input Field Text Box Hints News scroller/ticker with jQuery and AJAX -

multiple news, fading effect, mouseover pause jQuery Text Resizing by ShopDev A simple tab script with jquery by [edit] Ajax Quick and Dirty Ajax by Jack Born A screencast that provides a quick run through of all the different types of Ajax that're possible with jQuery.

Tags: Ajax, Screencasts Safer Contact Forms Without CAPTCHAs by Jack Born Building a complete, jQuery-based, solution for stopping spammers from mis-using your forms.

Tags: Ajax, Manipulation, Forms Edit in Place with Ajax by Jack Born Building an edit-in-place solution that saves all data in the background, using Ajax.

Tags: Ajax, Events, Manipulation, Forms AJAX and Events by Karl Swedberg and Jonathan Chaffer Discusses binding event handlers to DOM elements at the appropriate times.

Tags: Ajax, Events, Manipulation How to load content via AJAX in jQuery by Adrian Mato ( Create a shoutbox using PHP and AJAX (with jQuery) by Adrian Mato (
Creating AJAX websites based on anchor navigation using jQuery by Ivan Guardado Castro &

Adrian Mato (yensdesign) Easy Ajax With jQuery by Akash Mehta Simplify Ajax development with jQuery by Jesse Skinner Ajax development with jQuery using PHP and JSON objects by No More Ajax Headaches -

How to debug Ajax calls with FireBug Auto-populating Select Boxes using jQuery & Ajax - Also makes use of PHP and JSON. Ajax with Special Effects Ajax'ed Forms Easy AJAX with jQuery Auto-Complete Field with jQuery, JSON & PHP (Part 2) AJAX callbacks with jQuery jQuery and XML jQuery Makes Parsing XML Easy by Marc Grabanski Quick code example to illustrate how jQuery can make parsing XML simpler.

create ajax based login form using jquery PHP by Bali Web Design updated here auto populate dropdownlist via ajax request with Jquery by Bali Web Design PUT and DELETE with jQuery Ajax with jQuery, PHP and JSON objects by Create a Ajax based Form Submission with jQuery+PHP by Queness A Simple AJAX Driven Website with jQuery+PHP by Queness Checking username availability with ajax using jQuery by TutsValley [edit] Plugin Development jQuery Plugin

Tutorial Learn to make jQuery plugins by following these plugin patterns A Plugin Development Pattern by Mike Alsup How to create a plugin for jQuery by Adrian Mato ( jQuery for Programmers – Writing a simple, dynamic, plugin using jQuery.

Building jQuery Plugins Turn your jQuery code into a richer, unit testable, plugin A Really Simple jQuery Plugin Tutorial by Queness Introduction to building jQuery plugins by Andrew Valums jQuery Plugin Patterns by Winton Welsh Building Your First jQuery Plugin Building jQuery Plugins by Daniel

How to display tips by creating a jQuery plugin by Adrian Mato & Ivan Guardado Castro ( A Really Simple jQuery Plugin Tutorial by Queness [edit] Tools These guides look at using jQuery with different tools and utilities.

Using Firebug and jQuery (Screencast) Have Your jQuery Fun on Any Site with Greasemonkey Getting started with Aptana and jQuery Updated jQuerify Bookmarklet Solving JQuery IntelliSense Weirdness in Aptana 1.1 Using jQuery with Spket IDE Using syntax coloration in Vim [edit] Web Services Parsing Yahoo Pipes JSON Feeds with jQuery - A tutorial on how to parse and display JSON feeds from the Yahoo Pipes Web Service using jQuery. [edit]

Tutoriaux en Français Danse avec jQuery Transformer tous les liens d’une page Ajouter une boîte à coucou Un paragraphe trop à l’étroit Le plugin « editable » Géolocaliser Lille Le plugin « form » Un repas équilibré Ajouter une image dans une page Cloner des éléments Le code révélé Jouer à Shanghaï Une boîte de recherche un peu smart L’effet machine à écrire end() Bandeau d’actualité Babylon-Design Apprendre et comprendre jQuery -

1/3 Apprendre et comprendre jQuery -

2/3 Apprendre et comprendre jQuery -
3/3 Les Intégristes Introduction à jQuery jQuery :
dansez maintenant ! (quelques méthodes) jQuery :
codez branché ! (les plugins) jQuery :
l'événement ! (les événements) Comment utiliser jQuery dans un bookmarklet ? Laissez le visiteur choisir comment il va ouvrir un lien

Une FAQ accessible et facile à mettre à jour avec JQuery ChezNeg - Le blog d'un développeur web Premiers pas avec jQuery et sa fonction slideToggle() Système de commentaires en Ajax avec jQuery Vérification instantanée des champs d'un formulaire avec jQuery Coder un slider horizontal avec jQuery executer des événements sur des éléments rajoutés au DOM

Faire une animation en boucle avec jQuery et setInterval() Créer un bloc déroulant avec Jquery Recherche à la volée avec Jquery Faire un bouton "J'aime" comme sur Facebook avec jQuery Le blog technique de Loïc Bar jQuery et ASP.NET Slideshow jQuery accessible Galerie d'images avec le plugin Flip!

Vérifier un formulaire avec jQuery Galerie d'images dynamique en jQuery Initiation à AJAX avec jQuery (Partie 1) Initiation à AJAX avec jQuery (Partie 2) Liste des pages sur JQuery Présentation du framework JQuery Méthode JQuery.Core Sélecteurs JQuery Attributs JQuery Traverser le modèle DOM avec JQuery Manipuler le modèle DOM avec JQuery CSS avec JQuery Gestion des évènements JQuery Effets JQuery Requêtes AJAX avec JQuery Utilitaires JQuery Interface Utilisateur JQuery UI portail sur

jQuery documentation en français de l'API Créer un mini-site avec jQuery [edit] Tutoriales en español Cómo crear un menú de pestañas elegante en jQuery publicado por Web.Ontuts Cómo validar un formulario utilizando PHP y Javascript (jQuery) publicado por Web.Ontuts Cómo crear un Menú Contextual en Javascript mediante jQuery publicado por Web.Ontuts Cómo crear un Plugin para jQuery publicado por Web.Ontuts Mejorando las cajas de búsqueda mediante jQuery publicado por Web.Ontuts JSONP,

llamadas entre dominios (incluye plugin para jQuery) publicado por Web.Ontuts JavaScript fácil y rápido con jQuery Eventos en jQuery Conceptos esenciales de la librería JQuery Además incluye una variedad de ejercicios en el sitio los cuales puedes: probarlos, modificarlos y ver los resultados inmediatamente. Introducción a jQuery Haciendo Tablas Cebra Facilmente by Jack Born Esta es una traducció del artí "Zebra Striping Made Easy" de Jack Born.

Pequeño tutorial a través de ejemplos sencillos de código para hacer tablas tipo cebra. Tags: Traversing, Selectors, CSS, Events VideoTutorial Nº1 Curso de JQuery En este primer VideoTutorial hacemos una introducción en la que vemos cuales son las ventajas del uso de este tipo de frameworks, así como las funcionalidades que nos ofrece. Terminamos creando el primero proyecto con jQuery y explicando la sintaxis y estructura básica que utiliza. De momento publicados 14 videotuoriales del Curso.

Manual de jQuery publicado por [edit] Tutorials auf Deutsch jQuery - Die Grundlagen jQuery - AJAX-Formular AJAX-Formular in einer Thickbox - Ich werde im folgendem beschreiben wie ich vorgegangen bin mit wenigen Eingriffen in den HTML-Code ein PopUp mit dem Formular zu erstellen in welchem die Übermittlung per AJAX geschieht. jQuery - Tutorial-Serie Es geht darum eine existierende Webseite ohne Eingriff in CSS und HTML-Code zu dynamisieren.

Ohne Javascript im Browser des Besuchers bleibt alles wie es ist, alle Inhalte sind voll zugänglich. Wer aber Javascript akiviert hat bekommt eine durch Animation und Ajax aufgewertete Funktion. Lange Textbeiträge nur teilweise anzeigen mit Möglichkeiten diese ganz darzustellen. jQuery und Google Maps - Google Maps mit jQuery-Hilfe einbinden. Javascript debug Helfer mit JQuery – die ganz schnelle Tour.

Ajax-Tooltip-Image - Ein Bild eingebunden als Link per MouseOver anzeigen.
JQuery Beispiele - Grundlagen für Ajax und zugriffe auf Objekte anhand von Beispielen JQuery und Wordpress - Tutorial für die Einbindung von jQuery in Wordpress

Themes JQuery Einstiegs Tutorial -
jQuery Tutorial mit Beispielen [edit] O jQuery po polsku
jQuery - to łatwe! - jeden z pierwszych w Polsce, przystępnie napisany kurs jQuery dla początkujących jQuery - Narzędzia. - pierwsza część cyklu opisującego narzędzia jQuery.
jQuery - Narzędzia. - pierwsza część cyklu opisującego narzędzia jQuery.
jQuery - Narzędzia v2. - druga część cyklu opisującego narzędzia jQuery.
jQuery - Kurs - Wskaźniki. - pierwsza część spolszczonej dokumentacji.
jQuery - JSON przez POST - bardzo prosty dodatek do jQuery - postJSON.[edit] Türkçe eğitseller jQuery-TR jQuery için Türkçe destek grubu

jQuery ve Seçiciler Seçiciler nedir ve jQuery için ne anlam ifade ederler?
jQuery ve Css işlemleri jQuery ile Css işlemleri nasıl yapılıyor?
jQuery ve Olaylar jQuery ile olay yönetimi nasıl yapılıyor?
jQuery ve DOM işlemleri jQuery ile DOM (document object model) işlemleri nasıl yapılır?
jQuery ve AJAX işlemleri jQuery ile AJAX işlemleri nasıl yapılır?
jQuery ve Efekt işlemleri jQuery ile efekt işlemleri nasıl yapılır?
jQuery ile animasyon yapmak jQuery ile animasyon işlemleri nasıl yapılıyor?

Temel ve ileri düzey bilgi. Yazar: Jeffrey Jordan Way, Çeviri: sohbet - Alastyr - By Mehmet Tahta Jquery ve css ile hareketli button yapmak by Zülküf Küçüközer Jquery ve Seçiciler (Jquery Selectors) by Zülküf Küçüközer PHP ve Jquery ile Google suggest benzeri AutoComplete | Otomatik Metin Tamamlama Hazırlamak by Zülküf Küçüközer ASP.NET ortamında Jquery, Ajax ve JSON ile sayfada yüklenen resimlere resim yükleniyor efekti vermek by Zülküf Küçüközer Jquery, Ajax ve PHP ile dizin içeriğini okumak ve göstermek by Zülküf Küçüközer Jquery ve PHP ile Ajax stili çoklu dosya göndermek by Zülküf Küçüközer jQuery:Sayfa yenilenmeden AJAX ile veri eklemek Form ile gönderilen veri sayfa yenilenmeden nasıl alınır ? - Transportadora Site taşıma yeni sitede jquery ayar düğmesini kullanarak jQuery ile sayfayı yenilemeden verileri ekrana bastırmak jQuery ve Javascript ile sayfaya refresh atmadan 3 satır kodla verileri ekrana bastırabilirsiniz.- Fofoca Dedikodu sitesinde jquery ayar düğmesini kullanarak jQuery ile mouse pozisyonu jQuery ile imlecin kordinatlarını almak. - jQuery ile validation jQuery ile validation. jQuery ile Yıldızlı Oylama (Star Rating) | demo jQuery ve ile Yıldızlı Oylama (star rating). jQuery Akordion | demo jQuery ile Akordion içerik yapımı. Oi Torpedo jQuery tarafından ücretsiz kısa mesaj jQuery ile Animasyon jQuery ile animasyon. Jquery ile Accordion menu hazırlayalım Jquery ile Accordion menu hazırlayalım. Jquery'de each kullanımı. Jquery de each kullanımı. Jquery ile Arkadaşına gönder formu jQuery ile Form Doğrulama - Resimler jQuery topLink Plugin - jQuery ile fotoğraf adres kontorolü - jQuery ile efekt vererek veri silmek - ~ Codersstuff Blog jQuery ile sayfa kaydırma -

Teknodergi.Org jQuery Form Kontrolü - Teknodergi.Org Drupal ile JQuery Kullanımı - Teknodergi.Org Jquery, Iframe Auto Height Jquery ile iframe Auto Height tanımlama Jquery TextBox Help Plugin Jquery ile TextBox için tıklandığında kaybolan yardım metni oluşturma Jquery & Nice Css Form Jquery ile temiz css tabanlı formlar oluşturmak Jquery Form Tooltip Jquery ile form alanları için tooltipler oluşturma (Form Tooltip)

Simple Mistakes Android Developer

I would really like to write more tips, tricks, and tutorial posts relating to Android, but I’ve been extremely busy on apps both professionally and personally, and I am also doing technical review on an Android dev book due out later this year. So, while I don’t have time to go in the level of depth I’d like to, I thought I could work on a post with a bunch of short pieces that could be written when I have a few free minutes here and there and save the longer posts that require a greater chunk of continuous focus for later.

This post talks about some challenges that you may run into early in your foray into Android development. There isn’t really any sense of order to these; they’re more-or-less a brain dump of issues I’ve experienced or seen that take seconds to solve if you know what you’re doing or hours if you don’t. OMG! The emulator is slow! There are two things to note here: the default AVDs tend to have limited resources and the devices you’re targeting are likely running with a different chipset than the computer you’re developing on.

The first limitation can be easily overcome; the second is a much bigger issue, particularly with Android 3.x and attempting to develop for Honeycomb tablets without actually having a Xoom, Asus Eee Pad Transformer, etc.

Currently, it’s not very feasible to develop a 3.x app without a tablet. Back to that first limitation: When creating a new AVD, you can specify hardware settings, which can dramatically improve performance. The most important setting is the device RAM size; I tend to want the emulator to be as fast as possible, relying on on-device testing for a sense of “real-world speed,” so I usually give my phone emulators 512MB of RAM. That’s the equivalent of most good smartphones from 2010. The 1.x AVDs seem to run fine on 256MB, so you can potentially drop to that if your machine is limited (the Motorola Droid/Milestone had 256MB of RAM as well).

You can also try upping the cache partition size (128MB is a good start) and the max VM application heap size (48 is plenty) for a minor improvement. LinearLayout mistakes LinearLayout is a very useful and very simple ViewGroup. It essentially puts one View after another either horizontally or vertically, depending on the orientation you have set. Set an orientation! LinearLayout defaults to horizontal, but you should always manually specify an orientation. It’s very easy to throw two Views in there and not see one because the first View is set to match_parent for width.

That said, LinearLayout also processes layouts linearly, which is what you’d expect, but that means that setting a child View to match_parent can leave no room for subsequent Views. If you aren’t seeing one of your Views in a LinearLayout, verify you’ve set the orientation and that none of the Views are taking up all the available space. Within a LinearLayout, you should generally rely on layout_weight to “grow” the View.

Here’s an example: The heights are set to 0, but both child Views have weights. The first has a weight of 2 and the second has a weight of 3. Out of a total of 5, the first is taking 2 (40%) and the second gets 3 (60%), so their heights will actually use that portion of the parent View’s space (if that View has a 100px height, the first child will be 40px tall). The weights are relative, so you can set whatever values make sense for you.

In this example, the second layout could have had a set height and no weight and the first could have had a weight of 1, which would have made the first take up all space that the second didn’t use. Stupid Android! It keeps restarting my Activity! The default behavior when a configuration change happens (e.g., orientation change, sliding out the keyboard, etc.) is to finish the current Activity and restart it with the new configuration.

If you’re not getting any dynamic data, such as loading content from the web, this means you probably don’t have to do any work to support configuration changes; however, if you are loading other data, you need to pass it between configuration changes. Fortunately, there’s already a great post on Faster screen orientation changes. Read it and remember that you should not pass anything via the config change methods that is tied to the Activity or Context. Density Density should only be considered in terms of density not size. In other words, don’t decide that MDPI means 320px wide. It doesn’t.

It means that the device has around 160dpi like the G1 (320px wide) and the Xoom (1280px wide). Fortunately, you can combine multiple qualifiers for your folders to give precise control, so you can have a drawable-large-land-hdpi/ containing only drawables that are used on large HDPI devices that are in landscape orientation. One other important thing to note: Support for different screen sizes and densities came in Android 1.6. Android 1.5 devices are all MDPI devices, but they don’t know to look in drawable-mdpi/ because there were no different densities then.

So, if you’re supporting Android 1.5, your MDPI drawables should go in drawables/. If your minSdkVersion is 1.6 or above, put the MDPI drawables in drawable-mdpi/. What the heck is ListView doing? A full explanation of ListView would take quite a while, but here’s a quick summary: A ListView’s associated Adapter’s getView method is called for each child View it needs to construct to fill the ListView.

If you scroll down, the top View that leaves the screen is not garbage collected but is instead passed back to the getView method as the “convertView” (second param). Use this View! If you don’t, not only does it need to be garbage collected, you have to inflate new Views. You should also use the ViewHolder paradigm where you use a simple class to store View references to avoid constant findViewById() calls.

Here’s an example: @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { final ViewHolder holder;

if (convertView == null) {

convertView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.some_layout, null);

holder = new ViewHolder();

holder.thumbnail = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(;

holder.title = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;



else {

holder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag();


final MyObject obj = (MyObject) getItem(position);



return convertView;

} /** * Static ViewHolder class for retaining View references*/

private static class ViewHolder {

ImageView thumbnail; TextView title;


This method is first checking if the convertView exists (when the ListView is first laid out, convertView will not exist). If it doesn’t exist, a new layout is inflated with the LayoutInflater. A ViewHolder object is instantiated and the View references are set. Then, the holder is assigned to the View with the setTag method (which essentially allows you to associate an arbitrary object with a View).

If the convertView already exists, all that has already been done, so you just have to call getTag() to pull that ViewHolder out. The “bulk” of the method is just grabbing MyObject (whatever object your Adapter is connecting to) and setting the thumbnail ImageView and the title TextView.

You could also make the ViewHolder fields final and set them in the constructor, but I tried to keep this example as simple as possible. This method no longer requires View inflation while scrolling nor does it require looking through the Views for specific IDs each time. This little bit of work can make a huge different on scrolling smoothness. One last thing about ListViews… never set the height of a ListView to wrap_content.

If you have all your data locally available, it might not seem so bad, but it becomes particularly troublesome when you don’t. Consider the above example but instead of the setImageDrawable call, it triggers an image download (though it’s better to have the Adapter handle that).

If you use wrap_content on your ListView, this is what happens: The first getView call is done, convertView is null, and position 0 is loaded. Now, position 1 is loaded, but it is passed the View you just generated for position 0 as its convertView. Then position 2 is loaded with that same View, and so on. This is done to lay out the ListView since it has to figure out how tall it should be and you didn’t explicitly tell it.

Once it has run through all of those positions, that View is passed back to position 0 for yet another getView call, and then position 1 and on are loaded with getView and no convertView. You’re going to end up seeing getView called two or three times as often as you would have expected.

Not only does that suck for performance, but you can get some really confusing issues (e.g., if you had been passing a reference to an ImageView with an image download request, that same ImageView could be tied to all of the download requests, causing it to flicker through the images as they return).

Sunday, July 10, 2011

JavaScripts Page Refresh/Reload

"Page Redirection" for techniques of redirecting or forwarding one page to another.

There are times when the web-author would like their web-page to automatically refresh (or reload) at specified intervals. This is often useful when the page contains time sensitive information.

We discuss three versions:

JavaScript Refresh - preferred method

JavaScript Button Refresh

meta-tag - provided for reference but not the preferred method.

JavaScript Refresh

The preferred page refresh/reload method uses a JavaScript technique that will replace the current page with each refresh in the visitor's page history.

This version uses an under-utilized method of dealing with cross browser and old version browser compatibility. It defines multiple JavaScript code blocks, where each JavaScript version block redefines the same function. Only the last version block that is supported by the browser will be used. So older browsers will use the "JavaScript" block, while later browsers will use either the "JavaScript1.1" or "JavaScript1.2" block depending upon the browser's capabilities. If the browser does not support JavaScript or has it disabled, the "noscript" block will be used.

We do use the "refresh" meta-tag as a backup method to the JavaScript.

See this script in action.

JavaScript Refresh Button

A similar JavaScript will refresh/reload the page when the visitor clicks on a link, on an image/button, or a form button. In similar fashion we use the technique that will replace the current page with each refresh in the visitor's page history.

See this script in action.

Refresh Button Example

Refresh Link

align="middle" width="71" height="70">image as a button


"refresh" meta-tag

The biggest problem with the "refresh" meta-tag method of page-refresh is that it can add to the visitor's page-history on various versions of browsers. This means that for each automatic page refresh/reload your site visitor must select the browser's back button. This potentially can be a considerable bother to your visitors as well as a confusion.

The preferred refresh method is "JavaScript Refresh"

See this script in action.


JavaScripts Page Refresh/Reload

"Page Redirection" for techniques of redirecting or forwarding one page to another.

There are times when the web-author would like their web-page to automatically refresh (or reload) at specified intervals.  This is often useful when the page contains time sensitive information.

We discuss three versions:

    JavaScript Refresh - preferred method
    JavaScript Button Refresh
    meta-tag - provided for reference but not the preferred method.

JavaScript Refresh

The preferred page refresh/reload method uses a JavaScript technique that will replace the current page with each refresh in the visitor's page history.

This version uses an under-utilized method of dealing with cross browser and old version browser compatibility.  It defines multiple JavaScript code blocks, where each JavaScript version block redefines the same function.  Only the last version block that is supported by the browser will be used.  So older browsers will use the "JavaScript" block, while later browsers will use either the "JavaScript1.1" or "JavaScript1.2" block depending upon the browser's capabilities.  If the browser does not support JavaScript or has it disabled, the "noscript" block will be used.

We do use the "refresh" meta-tag as a backup method to the JavaScript.

See this script in action.

JavaScript Refresh Button

A similar JavaScript will refresh/reload the page when the visitor clicks on a link, on an image/button, or a form button.  In similar fashion we use the technique that will replace the current page with each refresh in the visitor's page history.

See this script in action.

"refresh" meta-tag

The biggest problem with the "refresh" meta-tag method of page-refresh is that it can add to the visitor's page-history on various versions of browsers.  This means that for each automatic page refresh/reload your site visitor must select the browser's back button.  This potentially can be a considerable bother to your visitors as well as a confusion.

The preferred refresh method is "JavaScript Refresh"

See this script in action.

Want your business simplified

ERP or Enterprise Resource Planningis an application to integrate the data and processes of an organisation into asingle system. As the owner of a  business may have wondered many times,as to, what is going on in various processes, departments or offices of yourcompany and you would have wished for some ‘magical gizmo’ that could give youan insight into the work being done. Now, you have it by the name of ERP. It isan integrated system that streamlines different processes and workflows toeasily share data across various departments in an organisation. It improvesefficiency and productivity levels and puts you into a better position to trackthe various activities. It lowers costs and enhances customer service.Moreover, it can be customised as per your requirement.

“An ERP finds its use when themanagement of a company is not able to monitor volumes. It is aninterdepartmental connectivity tool that provides the benefit of ‘compiledreporting’ of various departments, smooth workflow and MIS (managementinformation system)” states Mr Rajesh Handa, Director, Exainfotech Pvt. Ltd, anERP developing company for small and medium enterprises.

Though, penetration of the ERP hasbeen low in the small and medium level enterprises due to ignorance, complexityinvolved with respect to implementation and customisation and high costs butonce implemented, it is value for money!

What good can an ERP do to yourbusiness?

  • Visibility into all areas of the company- “After implementing an ERP, we get consolidated daily reports of inventory and other departments” avers Mr. Saurabh Singh, IT Head, Anand NVH Products Pvt. Ltd. By having an ERP at your place, you can have a visibility of different functional areas of your company. “Through an ERP, a company can have a check on its resources” adds Handa.
  • Quality management for enhanced productivity- Productivity will increase if the management of the company is done effectively. An ERP helps you do that.
  • Provides transparency and makes data available across various functions- An ERP gives accurate information at the right time to the right people for effective decision making. It provides you with a single access point for all data of the company. “ERP helps in getting compiled reports and ensures smooth workflow” maintains Handa.
  • Helps to reduce operating costs and enhances efficiencies- ERP helps to improve co-ordination and increases the efficiency by reducing the operating costs like inventory, supply chain, production, marketing and help desk support costs.
  • Planning for future- Through an ERP, you can analyse your current situation and plan strategically for future.
ERP vendors catering to SMEs:

There are various small and mediumenterprises (SMEs) that use customised solutions as they are less costly andcan be tailored according to the requirements of the company. Leading providersof ERP, SAP is making its presence stronger in the small and medium enterpriseswith its solution called BusinessOne. Some of its customers in the SME spaceinclude Bharathia Industries, Bharati Enterprises, Sudarshan Chemicals, TataJewels and Balsara. There are other big players also that provide solutionslike Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics GP, NetERP, Oracle, Compiereand The Intuitive Enterprise Solution for small and medium level businesses.

 Prominent ERP vendors for SMEs are:-

  • Vishesh Infotech: Offers Business Soft a distribution and finance package, and Business Pro, which is meant for companies operating in the manufacturing segment.
  • Eastern Software Systems (ESS): Their product, ‘ebizframe’ based on Oracle technology is built specially for small and medium businesses.
  • Exainfotech Pvt. Ltd. also provides ERP for small and medium level businesses.
  • Impact ERP software solution India- provides ERP for manufacturer or traders from small businesses to mid size enterprises.
  • Sofgen computer consultants Pvt. Ltd. provides customised ERP solutions to various private and public sectors.
  • Mind Infotech’s product, eMPro is specially built for the process industry.